Monday, August 20, 2007

Another one bites the dust!

This weekend our friends Scott and Jennifer got hitched. Ryan and Scott have known each other since 8th grade when they played basketball together. Then football, softball, broomball, and ultimate frisbee (football for girls). Scott was also the unlucky person who got to travel with Ryan for 22,000 miles as they went around the country attending baseball games. Poor guy! Anyhow, he got married this weekend, and Ryan was standing up. Here are some pics…. As you can see, there was an open bar….

Notice who is leading...

The party bus...

The happy couple

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A wet hot Scott

As you can see, OPEN BAR!

Ummm.... carbs

Beth looking stoic....

Rock on

T-dog does two chick at the same time....

Beth and Jesse (getting married in a few days) looking happy. Of course a shocker made it in, and Nicole looks dead....
Jesse's tonsils are just healthy
Those aren't pillows!

Nicole looking purdy, greg looking greg....

Eat your heart out faith plus one!
Jennifer just after Scott asked to go out to Wild Tymes (she replied no)

Scott's face of rejection after he was told he couldn't go out that night (welcome to marriage) Kevin and Jenny at Wild Tymes. See Kevin's drunk smile.
Ryan after a long day of ushering, pyrotechnics, standing, carrying stuff, dancing, and drinking.

Sunday was a recovery day since two days of drinking really takes a toll now. We did a little shopping to get a few more things before we go on vacation, and then watched TV all night. Only 10 more days until we are off!!!

We also got news that they are moving the road at our cabin! This is something we have been wanting for the past two years, and now we will have a little more privacy!

This week, dinner with the Hoops, and then our friend Beth gets married….

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