Yes, we know it has been a long time since we last put something up on the blog. So, I will summarize what has been going on... let's see....
The house has been on the market now for almost two months and we have had 7 showings! 3 of which were second showings, so that is a good sign. But no takers yet, which is okay with us. We are enjoying having a "new" home for the time being, and it's nice to have an immaculate house. Cross your fingers, and perhaps we will have some better luck soon....
The cabin has become a nice way to spend money lately. With the new garage last year, we had some expenses. We thought this year we might get by without any big expenses... but we were wrong. Our old well finally went the way of the dodo, and we had to get a new deep well installed. Well (pun intended), 180 feet later, we finally got sand free water in the cabin again. And of course, the well had to be dug over the family fourth of July weekend. Nothing like the sound of a well drill machine going for hours and hours into the night.... good times. At least now the iron taste should be gone, and just in time for having all our friends up for our annual party weekend.
Vacation is fast approaching now, and we are overly excited for it. We both are in need of a long vacation, and it is long overdue. The tour of Normandy is booked, so I am sure we will have some good pics and stories when we get back. We also just got a new camera last week due to a camera in the pocket/laundry incident. Hopefully we can take same great photos to do bavaria justice.
Last week we did have a big scare with our littlest niece Allison. Allison was rushed to the hospital on wednesday morning and from what the doctors said, she was within a few hours of not making it. Allison's blood sugar level was in the 1200's which is extremely high considering an average person is in the 60-120 range. Thanks to Renee for being such a good mom, and not trusting two bad diagnosis from her other Doctors. Allison is now home, and from what we saw of her, is much happier than she was two weeks ago. Sadly she was correctly diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, and the family is learing how to deal with that now. Good news is, the little angel made it through, and is back to her old self again.
Allison while she was in the ICU. Poor little girl!

The friday we got a chance to go visit Renee and Allison and the hospital. You can see Renee was a bit worn out, but in good spirits. About 5 minutes before this was taken Allison smiled and giggled for the first time in about a week, so Renee was happy and Allison was just happy to be back in Mom's arms.
Here's a pic of Allison the day before she left the hospital. You can see she had a lot more color in her face, and was back to smiling again.

While Allison was still in the hospital on Sunday, we babysat Ainsley and Ashley so Tom and Renee could avoid the distraction of the girls. Since Tom and Renee live on the TPC course in Blaine, we brought the girls out to see the Tournament going on. Everyone loved thier little hats.

The girls were being goofy during lunch time.

Ainsley was so proud that her lower tooth came out, and now the tooth fairy will be making her a visit!

Here's a pic of Ash trying to look like a celebrity.